If you were to ask me what my biggest strength is, I would say it is my independence. From the time I was little, I have always liked to do things myself. It has been my reassurance through life (despite having a good support system behind me); I knew if I set my mind to something, I could and would accomplish it.
There are many benefits to being independent: I am content being alone, fiercely motivated, and quite confident. However, the cons to my independence are that I can isolate myself, and can be extremely competitive in my need to accomplish my goals. While these may not seem like cons, they can be depending on how much power I give them.
I have always loved my independence, and take pride in what I have accomplished and continue to do myself – so much so, that I do not like asking for help. I am one of those people who refuses to ask for help in a store if I can’t find something; I will also be the last to admit when I am struggling (case in point, at six months postpartum I finally asked my husband to help me at night with our daughter, as running on three to four hours of sleep was no longer sustainable).
But when I met my husband Shaun, I felt as though I had truly met my match. We are both independent, stubborn to a fault (which makes it astounding how well we work together), and fiercely motivated. We share the same goals in life, and as a result, are able to be each others biggest support. I have realized that sharing your life with someone doesn’t mean you have to give up your independence. I still have my own goals and accomplishments, but have come to understand that having someone to share in those experiences makes it all the more fulfilling. In a world that can be challenging and unkind, having a partner who has your back can make the most independent person like love being part of a team.