A hair tie may seem miniscule to many, but to a Mom with long hair who has little ones, it is a necessity. I’ve worn my hair up for a majority of my life due to sports and being active; but as a Mom, I have found the need to have hair ties everywhere, as you never know when one will break, your child will steal one, or your baby or toddler won’t stop grabbing your hair.
If you look in drawers throughout our house, and even my purses, you are sure to find a hair tie. Prior to motherhood, I would ensure my hair was neatly tied; brush my hair so that there were no bumps or stray hair strands, and look in the mirror before heading out. But motherhood changes your priorities, as well as your free time. When I leave the house, the last thing on my mind is how my hair looks – my priority is having everything needed for the kids.
When I need to ensure I have enough diapers, wipes, change of clothes (in case of a poop blowout, or food/drink spillage), toys, and snacks… I’m lucky if I remember to bring everything needed for myself. However, there is one thing I can always ensure: if my hair isn’t up, I will have a hair tie on my wrist, prepared and ready.
Do I miss the days where I had time to do my hair perfectly before leaving the house? No. If anything, I am thankful that motherhood has encouraged me to live in the moment; not care about how my hair looks, or if I have bags under my eyes. My kids won’t look back and remember the day my hair was so disheveled it looked as though I had stuck a fork in an outlet, they’ll remember me rolling on the floor and playing with them.
So, thank you to my hair ties. The millions of them. The broken ones, the heavily worn, and the many scattered throughout our drawers; because they allow me the freedom to live in the moment.